About me.

About me.

About me.


I’m glad you would like to get to know me


I’m glad you would like

I’m glad you would like

to get to know me 😌

to get to know me 😌

product Designer

seattle, ineedmoresun! ✌️

product Designer

seattle, ineedmoresun! ✌️

product Designer

seattle, ineedmoresun! ✌️

Over 24 years of my life I have lived in 7 cities — Seattle being the 7th. Each of these cities has taught me a great deal about how culture, people, and behaviors vary within just a hundred miles. These experiences have also helped me acclimate to new conditions and adapt quickly to changes.

I am currently a Masters of Design Candidate at the University of Washington. There, I am finishing my thesis which focuses on using design to improve social interactions for people living with Dementia. To inform my design practice, I volunteer at the Memory Hub in Seattle — a memory-loss friendly community center.

I have also been part of other wonderful programs such as the Legacy Letters Program, Shared Outdoor Adventure of Resilience, and the Community Weaving Project (want to know more? I love talking about it!)

In my free time, I love visiting museums and art galleries. In every new city I visit, I make sure to visit at least one museum or gallery while I'm there. 

I once read: “Posterity does not care about you, it cares about what you have contributed.” I believe I can contribute to the world by bringing my diverse background, distinctive insights, and unmatched love and enthusiasm for design.

Over 24 years of my life I have lived in 7 cities — Seattle being the 7th. Each of these cities has taught me a great deal about how culture, people, and behaviors vary within just a hundred miles. These experiences have also helped me acclimate to new conditions and adapt quickly to changes.

I am currently a Masters of Design Candidate at the University of Washington. There, I am finishing my thesis which focuses on using design to improve social interactions for people living with Dementia. To inform my design practice, I volunteer at the Memory Hub in Seattle — a memory-loss friendly community center.

I have also been part of other wonderful programs such as the Legacy Letters Program, Shared Outdoor Adventure of Resilience, and the Community Weaving Project (want to know more? I love talking about it!)

In my free time, I love visiting museums and art galleries. In every new city I visit, I make sure to visit at least one museum or gallery while I'm there. 

I once read: “Posterity does not care about you, it cares about what you have contributed.” I believe I can contribute to the world by bringing my diverse background, distinctive insights, and unmatched love and enthusiasm for design.

Over 24 years of my life I have lived in 7 cities — Seattle being the 7th. Each of these cities has taught me a great deal about how culture, people, and behaviors vary within just a hundred miles. These experiences have also helped me acclimate to new conditions and adapt quickly to changes.

I am currently a Masters of Design Candidate at the University of Washington. There, I am finishing my thesis which focuses on using design to improve social interactions for people living with Dementia. To inform my design practice, I volunteer at the Memory Hub in Seattle — a memory-loss friendly community center.

I have also been part of other wonderful programs such as the Legacy Letters Program, Shared Outdoor Adventure of Resilience, and the Community Weaving Project (want to know more? I love talking about it!)

In my free time, I love visiting museums and art galleries. In every new city I visit, I make sure to visit at least one museum or gallery while I'm there. 

I once read: “Posterity does not care about you, it cares about what you have contributed.” I believe I can contribute to the world by bringing my diverse background, distinctive insights, and unmatched love and enthusiasm for design.

Pssst…You can drag the photographs

Pssst…You can drag the photographs

Pssst…You can drag the photographs

Work Experience

jul 2023 · sep 2023

Product Design Intern


Implemented end-to-end development of referrals feature including researching, ideation and design; increased product purchase rates by 30%

Conducted user research interviews to understand customer pain points of existing platform to design a comprehensive search =feature, demonstrating ownership and proficiency in translating user requirements into a seamless and intuitive search experience

Facilitated multiple cross-functional ideation sessions involving designers, product managers, researchers, and engineers to

create Kiip's homepage, fostering collaboration and producing numerous iterations

JAN 2022 · MAy 2022

Senior Product Designer


Spearheaded the company's brand refresh. Redesigned and shipped client-facing UX interfaces based on user research

increasing user engagement by 34% in 2 months

Implemented a new information architecture to improve user find-ability of key content and functionalities and creating feature

level improvements, resulting in a 62% decrease in bounce rate, while leading progress, driving collaboration, and aligning with

leadership on project direction.

Led a comprehensive navigation redesign, implementing a new user interface (UI) that prioritizes clarity, consistency, and an

intuitive user flow increasing average session duration by 66% with 500 new visitors/day

sep 2022 · present

Graduate Teaching Assistant

University of Washington

Applied principles of visual communication and design in HCDE coursework for graduate and undergraduate courses to develop systematic and critical understanding of subject. Engaged in hands-on exercises, design critiques and discussions to create visual elements for print and interactive media in a studio-based learning environment

Managed diverse responsibilities in a typography class, including demonstrations, grading, one-on-one support, and practical sessions. Built a supportive learning environment, aiding students in mastering typographic design skills

june 2021 · sep 2022

Communication Designer


Awarded Rookie MVP among 400+ employees for showcasing exceptional skills and dedication in campaign development

Spearheaded comprehensive research initiatives with marketing and business departments to inform and craft emotionally

resonant brand messaging, applied strategic insights gleaned from market analysis to tailor messaging effectively, resulting in a

significant 15% increase in customer loyalty

Orchestrated and led cross-functional teams as the sole designer for large-scale campaigns, demonstrating proficiency in

strategic design thinking. Leveraged creative direction to craft impactful visuals, resulting in the reach of over 1 million



sep 2022 · jun 2024

Master of Design

University of Washington

Major in Interaction Design

Graduate Teaching Assistant for 5 quarters and recipient of 90% tuition scholarship

aug 2017 · may 2021

Bachelor of Design

PES University

Major in Visual Communication Design

3 time recipient of the MRD Scholarship - 30% of tuition

Ann Mathew

Created on Coffee, OJ & Kombucha

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